Monday, September 15, 2008

POEMA DEL DIA / POEM OF THE DAY at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

This Saturday September 20th at 2:02pm, bilingual poetry reading and show, with Nina Serrano, the official translator of Adrian; Meklit Hadero singing the poem DAY 255, Nadja Haas dancing fragments of THE BOOK OF STONES, La Tania dancing fragments of THE BOOK OF THE BODY -in progress- and the special presentation of 2 video-poems, "Frida in the mirror" and "206 pretexts". Admission FREE

Este Sábado 20 de Seteimbre a las 2:02pm, lectura de poemas bilingues, video, música y danza. Con la participacion de Nina serrano, que traduce todos los poemas de Adrián, Meklit Hadero cantando el poema DIA 255, Nadja Haas creando un baile basado en 18 poemas cortos del LIBRO DE LAS PIEDRAS y Tania bailando fragmentos del LIBRO DEL CUERPO. Con la presentación del video-poema FRIDA en el espejo, que canta Mamacoatl, con música de Greg Landau y del video-poema 206 PRETEXTOS con música de David Molina. La entrada es GRATIS.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

POEMA DEL DIA at the SF Public Library -May 14th, 2008

Chelis Lopez presents POEMA DEL DIA, thanks to the SF Public Library & Alvaro Sanabria

Adrian read a poem, in the back a video-poem with images of the poems-objects from the Blog Poema del dia.

Nina Serrano en equilibrio. She is the official translator of Adrian´s poetry

Meklit Hadero sing the poem-song DIA 255 / DAY 255

Mamacoatl sing the poem DIA 121, in company of Rachel Bouch & Ezra Gale

Adrian shows a special edition of his grand-father poet Carlos Maria López-Rocha, from 1905.

Rupa & Pawel Walerowski singing the poem-song DAY 327 / DIA 327

Adrian reading a poem in front to a video-poem

La Tania dance the poem DIA 216 / DAY 216, with Mark taylor in guitar, Chus Alonso in flute & Sage Baggott in percussion.

The complete crew of POEMA DEL DIA....(left to right) Nina Serrano, Ezra Gale, Mamacoatl -with flowers- Paloma Parra, Pawel Walrowski, Rupa, Mark Taylor, Chus Alonso, Meklit Hadero, La Tania, Adrian, Anais Arias-Aragon & Todd Brown

Here the program...El programa de la noche...